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<p style=" text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-word;">OIL INDUSTRIES PAKISTAN LTD (OIP) is a Limited Company incorporated under the Companies Ordinance 1984 and duly registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (S.E.C.P). The company converted to Public Limited (Unlisted) on 28-10-2021. The Company started its business in 1976 under the Brand Name “TARGET”. Oil Industries Pakistan Ltd has one of the latest blending plant in Pakistan and is considered as one of the leading national lubricating Oil Company of the country. It has also got an independent fully equipped Quality Control Department managed by highly trained professional and technical personnel OIP has got an experience of more than 4 (four) decades in the field of lubricating oil and has been able to develop expertise to undertake all sorts of jobs in the oil business with accuracy. The company has got branches at Lahore, Multan, Rawalpindi & Faisalabad. Distribution network for company’s products are spreading over the throughout the country. </p> <h3>Oil Marketing Company</h3><p> OIP has received the license from Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) to establish an Oil Marketing Company for the distribution of petroleum products. We have already established an oil storage terminal at Sahiwal (Punjab Province) from our own resources and 27 petrol pump outlets already in operation and balance will soon start working in the province under the brand name “Target”. </p>

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