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Petrol Pump

Now OIP has entered into new horizon. OIP is no longer only a Leading Lube Oil Company rather OIP has become an OMC (Oil Marketing Company).

OIO has been serving its valued customers for the last 40 years as Protection Specialist by providing Quality Lubricants for all types of vehicles. OIP is also renowned manufacturer of Transformer Oil and Indsutrial Lubricants. Our State-of-the-art Lube Oil Blending Plant in Karachi has the latest equipment for Blending, Testing and Online Filling. Our dealer network is spread in all the major markets of Pakistan. WAPDA, PEL, POF Wah, Pakistan Rangers are our satisfied corporate customers.

As an OMC our first oil storage depot of 2,800,000 listers capacity at Sahiwal would feed to our “Target” Petrol Pumps in Punjab. In second phase OIP will expand retail network in other provinces of Pakistan.

OIP has always been recognized by its worthy dealers and valued customers as provider of Quality Lubricants. Innovation and Continuous Improvement in processes and service has enable OIP to emerge as Leading National Lube Oil Company. With the same spirit and Customer Centric Approach OIP will emerge as the Company of Choice for our Petrol Pump Dealers. We are committed to excel in Customer Service at our Petrol Pumps to gain “Wow Experience” of our Customer through continuous training and supervision of our petrol pump staff.


To become Vibrant Oil Marketing Company in Pakistan through Innovation, Continuous Improvement in Processes, Stringent Quality Assurance and Customer Delight


Always Strive for Utmost Quality, Accurate Quantityand Ultimate Service at Every Target Petrol Pump

Core Values

  1. Customers
    • Customer Centric Approach in Every Action
    • “Wow Experience” by Customers at Retail Outlet
  2. Business Partners
    • Instilling Professionalism in business partners and their staff
    • Best ROI in the Industry
  3. Shareholders
    • Guarding Brand as the Most Precious Asset
    • Cost Effective with High Efficiency
  4. Employee
    • Performance based Transparent Organization
    • Learning Environment for Growth